November 1st, 2024: Enjoying some beers at CTB to celebrate Jay’s birthday. Left to right: Saloni, Alex, Dr. Engstrom, James, Zhantao, Burke, Gokul, Jay.
October 26th, 2024: Saturday morning group hike at Robert H. Treman State Park. Left to right: Burke, Jay, Alex, James.
July 10th, 2024: Poker game at Dr. Engstrom’s house to celebrate Jeff and Geet graduating. Left to right: Dr. Engstrom, James, Geet, Zhantao, Jeff, Burke.
December 14th, 2023: Party at Dr. Engstrom’s house to celebrate Ivan’s graduation. Left to right: Dr. Engstrom, Ivan, Anton, Jeff, Daniel, Burke, James, Jay.
December 8th, 2023: Winter tasting at Triphammer Wines and Spirits. Left to right: Burke, Dr. Engstrom, Jay, Geet, Saloni.
December 1st, 2023: CBE Holiday Party. Left to right: Michelle, Saloni, Jay, Ivan, Daniel, Dr. Engstrom, James, Burke, Geet.
July 11th, 2023: the 310 system squad. Left to right: Jay, Henry, Amy.
July 7th, 2023: Going away party for Henry at Thompson and Bleecker. Left to right: Jay, Amy, Henry, Anton, Burke.
June 27th, 2023: Lab dinner at De Tasty Hotpot after Tuesday group meetings. Left to right: Henry, Burke, James, Jay, Shreya, Amy.
May 17th, 2023: Happy Hour at Collegetown Bagels. Left to right around table: Geet, Ryan, Dr. Engstrom, Ivan, Henry, Amy.
March 12th, 2023: Lab hotpot. Left to right around table: Amy, Henry, Jeffrey, James, Ivan, Lydia, Ryan.
November 20th, 2022: ERG Dinner Party. From left to right: Dr. Engstrom and the Elite Eight- Lydia, Ryan, Jay, Anna, Henry, Amy, Ivan, Anton.
May 5th, 2022: CBE Picnic at the Ithaca Farmer’s Market. Left to right: Henry, Amy, Anna, Jay.
March 26th, 2022: Professor Engstrom taking the group to dinner at Ithaca Beer Company. Left to right: Amy, Dr. Engstrom, Jay, Henry.
November 1st, 2022: Dessert at Mango Mango. Happy Birthday Jay and Henry!